

 The Class of 1985 will be celebrating its 40-year reunion on Saturday, June 7, from 4-8pm at the Malt River Room at Browns Brewing on River St in Troy.  The Planning Committee is working diligently to finalize the details but wants you to know the food will be buffet style, and will include Beer, Wine and Soda.  


We hope to see you there!  Please take a couple of minutes to fill in the google form, including contact information so we’re able to get a hold of you once everything is finalized.  Marking that you’re going to attend is not a commitment.






Annual General Membership Meeting


Please join us May 8, 2024 at 6 p.m.

 in the Cohoes Middle School Library for the  

Cohoes High School Alumni Association

annual meeting.  

All alumni are welcome to attend.



***CLASS OF '73---50th REUNION***

The Class of '73 will be celebrating its 50-year reunion on Saturday, October 28 at the Ukrainian
Club in Cohoes. Festivities will begin at 6:30 pm and will include live entertainment by EJ Hopek
and other surprise guests. The planning Committee wants the event to be totally informal, so
please dress for comfort. Food will be served buffet style, and there will be a limited open bar.
Details of the actual menu items and the cost of tickets will be released later; the number of
people who attend will be an important factor in the final cost. Once details are finalized, you
will be able to purchase your tickets, using Visa or MasterCard, through the reunion's website:


Right now, the Committee needs all of the "students" of the Class of '73 to register on the
reunion website. Registering WILL NOT be a commitment to attend the reunion, but it will
include you in an alumni database for future mailings and information updates.

The Committee's contact people are:

Kevin Kelenski           kjkelenski@gmail.com
 Lynda Hebert O'Connor                      locroc@nycap.rr.com or 518-813-3531

***Keep checking the Reunion and Alumni Association websites for more information!



Alumni are encouraged to check-out the Cohoes Tiger Tracker map and complete the form to be added as a pin. (No personally identifiable information is publicly shared) This map is shared with staff and students to showcase the professional accomplishments of our graduates and highlight the various pathways to success. 

Follow the Cohoes City School District Facebook and Instagram pages to learn more about the events, including Career Fairs, Pizza with a Professional and The Tiger Tracker.




to the official website of the Cohoes High School Alumni Association!

We are a non-profit organization whose overriding mission is:
    --to promote and to foster fellowship and loyalty among the alumni of CHS
    --to provide financial assistance, through scholarships and awards, to graduating CHS
      seniors to encourage them to pursue their personal goals.

Our all-volunteer Board of Directors diligently strives to increase the scholarship/award funding
to insure that the Association's work continues well into the future. We believe that this website will be a valuable tool in achieving our goals. We will continually work to make the website "user-friendly" and a great resource for alumni to communicate with each other and with the Board members, and to easily provide their financial support. Please check this website often for news and updates.

Let us know about any Class news (reunions, contact persons, etc.) that we can publish on this website.

Our Board of Directors:

President: Jude Sweeney Pingelski           Vice-president: Sharon Mitchell
Secretary: Elizabeth Duma                                   Treasurer: Margaret Santoro Claflin
          Arianna Grego Hirschman           Fran Santoro Kellogg           Kathy Kawka Santoro

Newsletter editor: Sharon Mitchell

                                 Attention: All Dues-paid Members of the
                               Cohoes High School Alumni Association

This is official notice that the by-laws of the Cohoes High School Alumni Association have been
revised and updated.

The newly-revised by-laws document was formally adopted by the Board of Directors on August 11, 2022. In accordance with law and parliamentary procedure, the document must now be made available to all dues-paid members of the Association for review and approval vote.

Therefore, the newly-revised by-laws document is now posted on the Association website (www.cohoeshighschoolalumniassociation.org). Any qualified member who wishes to cast a "no" vote on this document must do so by October 1, 2022 by using the "contact us" feature on the home page of the website. Absence of a "no" vote being cast will be considered a "yes" vote of approval of the revised by-laws.

Thank you,

Officers and Board of Directors

                 (VIEW/PRINT Cohoes High School Alumni Association By-Laws)



We apologize that the wrong date was published for the Class of 1976 reunion in the latest CHS Alumni Association newsletter. The correct date of the reunion is

 Saturday September 24, 2022 at 6:30 pm
at the Ukrainian Club in Cohoes, NY.

For additional details, check our website or contact Steve Rock at steve_rock_0916@yahoo.com.


More reunion news!!

The Class of 1970 is having a reunion---

Saturday, September 17, 2022 - starting at 1pm

Peebles Island, Cohoes

Bring your own chair and refreshments!


                                         Summer 2022 Open Letter from the Board

     Although COVID-19 is still with us and keeping us "careful" in many ways, thankfully much of our daily lives seems to be more normalized than last year at this time. We are happy to have been able to hold in-person Board meetings in a room indoors instead of outdoors in a lawn chair in a parking lot! We hope that all of you have found good ways to cope and adapt too.

     Hopefully you have received and read our 2022 newsletter. We made some changes to the format which we designed to better showcase and highlight our generous donors and sponsors and award recipients. Only through them do we fulfill our mission/purpose, passed down from our Founders. On June 21, at the Awards Ceremony, President Jude Pingelski, Vice-president Sharon Mitchell and several of our awards sponsors gave $57,115 to Class of 2022 graduates.

     In May we held the elections of officers for the 2022-2024 terms. Jude Pingelski,Elizabeth Duma, and Margaret Claflin were re-elected as president, secretary, and treasurer respectively;
Sharon Mitchell was elected as vice-president.

     We have been busy working to put operations and procedures in place that will allow us to function more smoothly and efficiently. We have even worked to update our by-laws to keep up with the role of technology in our operations. We have put a lot of information in the newsletter; we would appreciate your taking time to read it and to possibly give us some feedback. If you want to receive a paper copy of the newsletter, you can let us know that also by using the "contact us" at the top of the home page.

                We are not finished yet! We have many plans for the future of the Association.
                               Keep checking the website for some of these changes!


2021 - Donors List

  The entire Board of Directors and the officers deeply, truly appreciate your help.  Without it, we can do nothing.   
First, I hope that all of you are well and are finding good ways to cope with the challenges of these extraordinary times.  We have certainly endured unbelievable stress and difficulties, but we must believe that the coming months will bring better days if we stay strong and “together”. 
I wanted to let you know about the response to our very first postcard campaign-- quite simply, it was amazing!  My first trip to the post office after the mailing was such a wonderful surprise; the box was stuffed to the brim with mail!  Reading the return addresses on the mail was an added thrill; we had responses from alumni from all over the country, as well as here in the Capital District.  The generosity of our alumni is also overwhelming and heartwarming.  So many of you responded readily with dues payments and with donations.   
When the new leaders assumed their roles just about a year ago, we knew that we had some big shoes to fill in order to maintain and to grow this very successful organization.  We were excited and somewhat intimidated.  The support that we have received, demonstrated so clearly by the response to our postcard, has been incredibly gratifying.  The entire Board of Directors and the officers deeply, truly appreciate your help.  Without it, we can do nothing.  
We are continually updating and improving the website, and we are planning to publish the next newsletter in late Spring.  Please do feel free to contact us at any time by using the “contact” tab of the website to send us an email.  We would love to hear from you. 
Be Well and Stay Safe!
Jude Pingelski
 "Thank you!"
First, the officers and members of the Board of Directors say a huge "Thank you!" to everyone who has already responded to our first post card outreach to alumni.  Our mailing list numbers more than 2,000 people, and we have received many responses to update contact information, to pay annual dues, and to make donations to our scholarship fund.  Your generous cooperation is so important to achieving our goals, to moving the Association forward, to building on our past success, to insuring our ability to help Cohoes High students realize their dreams well into the future.  Please help to spread the word that we are dedicated to building our Association into an even stronger, more vital organization.  Your support can make that happen!  Imagine if everyone on the mailing list responded to our call!
Second, we are also working to compose and to design the annual newsletter.  We hope to distribute the newsletter sometime in the Spring 2021.  Part of our challenge is to make it available in both paper copy and on our website.  You can visit our website any time for information and updates.
Be well and stay safe.




Nearly $94,000 in scholarships will be awarded and more than 50 seniors will receive Honor Medals, given to students with an overall GPA of 85 and above.

YouTube channel


 Facebook page
on Thursday June 25 at 6 p.m.
This will allow students and families the opportunity to tune in and watch the ceremony together at home live, or anytime after the premiere.




                                                                     PRESIDENTS CORNER

Dear Alumni,

 The past few months and the foreseeable future have forced all of us to endure and to cope with many types and levels of turmoil, anxiety, and adaptation.  We did not know how these incredible times would impact our donors' abilities to support the scholarships and awards this year.  We are so proud to report that, because of our supporters were able to award thirty-six awards. This year's total of $48,450 represents an increase of $11,000 over last year.  We were happy to add seven new awards.  We have also been working diligently to upgrade our Association website; our goal is to make it a primary, useful, and interactive resource for alumni to obtain information about alumni activities, programs, contact information and payment of dues and donations.
Please check the website (www.cohoeshighschoolalumniassociation.org) often ;
Please contact us with information and suggestions at

The Association was instituted by founders whose express purpose was to provide financial support and assistance to the young people of Cohoes High School.  Donors like you make it possible for us to perpetuate their work and their vision.  On behalf of the students, the CHS Alumni Association, and the entire community of Cohoes, thank you again for your support.
  Honor the Past -Explore the Present-Inspire the Future   

Honor the Past -Explore the Present-Inspire the Future


The Alumni Association is non-profit and all contributions are tax deductible.

Please consider joining the CHS Alumni Association. 
 A $10 yearly membership fee sent by mail or via Venmo @CHSAlumni will make you part of the continued success for the students of Cohoes.

EMAIL US: CHSAA@cohoeshighschoolalumniassociation.org

CHS Alumni Association
P.O. Box 115
Cohoes, NY 12047